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    Wendelin Hyperconvergence Tutorial - Screenshot Jupyter ERP5 Kernel Interface

    Wendelin Hyperconvergence Tutorial - Juypter ERP5 Kernel Interface
    • Last Update:2016-06-10
    • Version:001
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    :Jupyter PydataParis Last Checkpoint: a few seconds ago (unsaved changes)
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    Follow these steps to customize your notebook with ERPS kernel :-
    1. Add %erps_url <your_erps_url>/erps/Base_executeJupyter.
    Make sure you have 'erp5_data notebook' business template installed in your erps
    2. %notebook_set_reference <your_notebook_refernce>

    It would be better to set the reference to match with erps reference pattern.

    3. %erpS_user <your_erps_username>

    4. %erpS_password <your_erps_password>

    5. As soon as you see 'Please Proceed’ message you can now access your erps using notebook.

    s%my_notebooks -This is used to display all the notebooks created by the specific user.
    NOTE: Do not dynamically alter imported module objects as they are not being saved in DB,
    s0 changes to them would be disregarded and would throw an error.

    |ErPs O
